Policies & Reports

Fees & Refunds

GEALC’s fees are set according to guidelines from funding bodies as well as market demand and cost of delivery.  Refunds will be given if you cancel 5 working days prior to the course commencement date.

Complaints & Appeals

GEALC is committed to reaching a speedy and just resolution of any complaint, dispute or grievance that may arise and that may threaten its harmonious functioning.

Student Responsibilities

GEALC promotes a supportive, friendly and social environment for learning. The Code of Conduct is intended to help make your participation at GEALC as effective and enjoyable as possible.

Quality Training

GEALC is a registered training organisation (RTO) that adheres to the Australian Quality Training Framework.

GEALC is subject to regular audits of its policies to ensure we are delivering quality programs and our students are receiving the best possible outcomes.


GEALC respects the right of individuals and organisations to information privacy.

Information that the Centre collects and holds is kept in accordance with Commonwealth or Victorian legislation:

Safety & Wellbeing

GEALC is committed to providing an environment that is safe and without risks to health, and to minimise or eliminate risks to health, safety and digital security.

Accessible to all

GEALC’s staff is aware of their responsibilities with regards to Access and Equity principles. All learners have equitable access for all programs irrespective of gender, culture, linguistic background, race, socio-economic background or disability.

GEALC Governance

The Committee is responsible for the overall governance of GEALC according to our constitution and for setting our strategic direction.

Community Need

GEALC periodically undertakes analysis processes such as formal surveys, interviews, demographic research and meetings with other community organisations and with various levels of Government to make sure it provides programs that meet community need.