Pathways to Study & Work

What is your next step? Find information here about a range of study options and help with preparing to find work.

Student Support Bookings With Diana – For Pathway Guidance, career Counselling or any other questions.

Victorian Skills Gateway– A website that can help you with career planning and courses offered.

Skills and Jobs Centres– A website that helps you find your local skills and Job Centre. Skills and Job Centres help you to explore study pathways and can offer career counselling.

Learn Local– A website that offers short courses so you can explore.

Accredited: Government subsidised accredited training (AMEP), FREE for eligible migrants.  Click here for more details.     

AMEP Online– A website that you can use anytime to improve your English.

AMEP Tutor Program– A program for current AMEP students that would like further practice their English one to one with a tutor. You can refer yourself or get support with the referral from the GEALC team.

Victorian Tertiary Admission– A website to apply for TAFE and University.

TAFE Victoria– A website to explore TAFE courses.

Free TAFE Victoria– A website to explore free TAFE Courses.

Services Australia– A website that helps with finding jobs and had has learning modules on work. It also informs you of any payments you may be eligible.

Looking for Work in Melbourne– A website that has links to job providers.

Workforce Australia– A website that has jobs listed and helps to connect you with services that can help you to find work.

Seek– A website that has jobs listed that you could apply for.

Ethical Jobs– A website that has jobs in the Not for Profit sector that you could apply for.