Microbusiness for Makers


This 30-hour pre-accredited program guides learners through the process of launching a microbusiness. From creating a business plan, applying for an ABN, basic accountancy skills to marketing strategies, learners will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to launch a business by the end of the course.

This course guides learners towards a financially viable business that could act as an additional income, a passion project, a core income or a pathway to further education.

Topics include:

  • Understanding the financial and legal responsibilities of running a business
  • Establishing business plan and name
  • Understanding marketing fundamentals & setting up social media business account
  • Understanding how to develop, launch and maintain a resilient microbusiness.

Learners must have an Intermediate to Post Intermediate level of English to participate in this course (suitable for EAL Levels 3 and above).

Enrol Here




GEALC’s accredited courses are government subsidised as part of the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Accredited language courses are FREE for eligible migrants.  Find out more about AMEP and how to register for free English language tuition at GEALC, including how to book an assessment interview by clicking here.

AMEP Units

GEALC offers accredited courses from the Certificates in EAL (Access)Framework to help participants from non-English speaking backgrounds improve their English language skills. Find out which certificates and units are being delivered this year here.