The ANN MANNING SCHOLARSHIP AWARD is awarded annually at GEALC’s End of Year Certificate Ceremony (held in December) to the student who not only demonstrates outstanding achievement and participation, but also financial hardship that impacts on their ability to study. The award is open to students who are not eligible for government support.
Since 2005, Ann has made an exceptional contribution to the success of the Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre (GEALC). As a dedicated Education Coordinator and Tutor, Ann has transformed the learning experiences of students and set an example for teacher excellence.
This special award honours the significant contribution Ann made over 18 years as GEALC’s Education Coordinator and her passion to empower learners to achieve their true potential. This scholarship will enable the worthy recipient to pursue their studies at GEALC and empower them to achieve the best outcomes for their future aspirations.

Shpak Serhii
Serhii arrived in Australia in 2023 as a refugee from Ukraine under challenging circumstances. Despite not qualifying for a humanitarian visa and therefore being ineligible for Government-subsidised courses, Serhii has shown remarkable dedication to his education and community.
In his first year in Australia, Serhii prioritised family taking time to care for a sick parent. When he joined GEALC’s classes, his focus, participation and determination to improve his English skills became evident. Though encouraged to advance to EAL 3, Serhii modestly expressed concerns about gaps in his learning due to occasional absences even though we believe he is more than capable of excelling.
Serhii is a skilled masseur, a profession he practiced with pride in Ukraine. However, he has struggled to find work in his field in Australia due to his limited English proficiency. Undeterred, Serhii is keen to improve his language skills, knowing that doing so will unlock new opportunities to pursue his profession and connect more fully with his new community.
Beyond his study, Serhii has made a lasting impact on our community. His politeness, willingness to assist and commitment to helping others embody the spirit of generosity. During GEALC’s move to McKinnon, Serhii volunteered his time and effort, rolling up his sleeves to support the Centre during this significant transition.
We are delighted to recognise Serhii’s contributions with the Ann Manning Award and wish him continued success on his journey in Australia.
Congratulations Serhii!

Elbia Mayela Meza de Meza
Elbia comes from Venezuela and is a waiting for her parent visa (which could take years). She came to be with her only daughter and granddaughter.
Elba initially joined GEALC’s free conversation classes, ‘Walk and Talk’ and our Boomerang Bag Sewing Class as a volunteer as she couldn’t afford to pay for classes. Even with her limited language skills, Elba makes her presence known with her positive and caring attitude.
In 2023, Elba joined our Beginners English class with Milica. She loves Australia, loves studying and really wants to stay here.
Congratulations Elbia!