Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre Inc. (GEALC) is a community owned and managed, registered training centre . For over 30 years this Learn Local organisation has been providing quality, affordable, accessible education for adults. The Centre offers a wide range of programs for people who want to improve their English language, literacy, and computer skills, and extend their involvement in activities in the community. GEALC works actively with all levels of government and community organisations in order to provide educational opportunities to adults in the Glen Eira area.

GEALC’s statement of purpose is:

Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre Inc provides quality, affordable, education and
engagement opportunities to enable people to fully participate in society.



  • Executive Officer
  • Education Coordinator
  • Finance & Administration Officer
  • Teaching Staff and
  • Volunteers

The GEALC staff and volunteers work to ensure they provide a positive learning experience in a friendly and supportive environment with programs that meet the diverse learning needs of the community.

The staff and volunteers report to the Executive Officer who reports to a volunteer Committee of Management. The Committee is responsible for overall governance of the organisation. Committee members and other volunteers also assist the Centre with administration, quality assurance, library management and promotion.


GEALC is accredited to deliver certificate courses with either Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding:

          GEALC gratefully acknowledges support from:

          • Adult Community & Further Education (ACFE)
          • Skills Victoria
          • Adult Migration & Education Program (AMEP) funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry
          • Glen Eira City Council and Ormond Uniting Church.

To find out more about GEALC, click the relevant links below: